#MindfulMondays - Mindfulness for Better Sex

#MindfulMondays - Mindfulness for Better Sex

In many interactions with our intimate partners, whether mundane or challenging, we have an opportunity: We can choose to be aware and present. When Pema Chodron writes about "waking up," I think of that as staying present with the discomfort--the mental and emotional and visceral discomfort--in any moment....

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What would create peace in the world?

What would create peace in the world?

World peace. It's a lovely goal. But how is it even possible in today's world of conflicting cultural beliefs, anger, terrorism, religious wars, poverty, fear mongering, and huge egos? I was put on the spot to provide an example of a peaceful experience for myself and how we can create...

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Speaker for Women's Conferences & Events on Mindfulness and Intimacy

We all struggle at various times with relationships, communication, intimacy, or sex, and I find that cultivating the skill of mindfulness can have a profound impact on our happiness and fulfillment in these areas. I teach interactive, fun, and memorable workshops and lectures to women around these topics. Please consider me for your next women's event!

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sexuality Speaker, Sociologist

Dancing 12 Foot Bra for Breast Health & Breast Cancer Awareness

WARNING: Dancing 12 foot bra, ridiculous singing, and disturbing statistics! Something to make you think (or cringe or laugh) this October/November for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Also ideas to prioritize your breast health and your "breast" friends.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker

Loving Kindness Meditation - Free Guided Visualization by Dr. Jenn to Open Your Heart

Do you live with an open heart or a protected heart? If you've been emotionally hurt before, it makes sense to want to protect yourself from future hurt. This may be a good short term strategy, but in the long run your life will be devoid of the deep connections and intimacy you desire.

A wonderful practice to cultivate a loving and kind approach to yourself and others, is the Loving Kindness Meditation. I recorded an 8-minute guided meditation to assist you in opening your heart. This is also a powerful practice in mindfulness. Read more and listen to the free audio file here: Loving Kindness Meditation with Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sexuality & Mindfulness Speaker, Sociologist