Twilight Saga for Halloween - Gender, Sex, & Empowerment Analysis: Session 144

Have you been seduced by twilight? Analyzing the Twilight Saga offers many insights into gender and sex in our society. Dr. Natalie Wilson, a women's studies professor and author of "Seduced by Twilight," enlightens the Den audience about Twilight. Promises to open your eyes, but hopefully not buzzkill the saga for you!

Sexual Fun Fact
Who is more likely to masturbate, engage in oral sex, and engage in anal sex?  Someone with MORE education or someone with LESS education?

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus -- Sex Therapy, Marriage Counseling, College Sexual Health Speaker -- San Diego, CA

G-Swirl Vibrator - Always My Favorite

The G-Swirl vibrator has long been a favorite of mine. It was designed by the staff at Good Vibrations, and produced by Fun Factory. These are two companies who know what they are doing with sex toys! Why do I like it? Firm material for a solid feel, with just enough flexibility to not hurt. The vibrations are strong for a battery-powered vibrator, but not numbing. It's made of a high-grade silicone so it's not porous or off-gassing chemicals. And the on/off and speed control is easily manipulated with one hand. It's also very reasonable priced! To read more about it and online reviews, go to G-Swirl Vibrator.


Some days I do it for 4 or 5 hours. Sometimes, I'll even take a break, have some lunch and go for it a second time so now we are talking 9 or 10 hours. Sometimes when I am finally done I am exhausted and hurt in places you can't imagine. I do it enough that I have calluses on my hands so even after nine hours of the same repetitive motion I don't get blisters. It is engrossing. I get fixated. I can't explain it. Sometimes I actually feel like I am at one with my balls! Most of my friends are envious and wish their wives would let them do it as much as they want like I can. My girlfriend totally encourages me to take this time for myself and she never interferes. My mom is 82 and she is also supportive. I know it sounds weird, but when I'm done my mom usually wants to hear about my experience. I'm not sure if it is my old brain or my new brain, but I've got to tell you, it does some crazy stuff to me. Thanks for letting me share how happy golf makes me. Do I need to go to rehab?

(Compliments of Neil Cannon, PhD)

Jennifer Gunsaullus, Ph.D.

Sex Therapy & Relationship Counseling in San Diego

Awakening to Sexual Self-Love

With all the images and messages of love in the media this month, why not take the time to awaken to your own sexual self-love? What does that even mean?

I wrote an article for the February Issue of "Vision Magazine" on this topic, while delving into body-image, meditative masturbation, and self-expression. I've posted the beginning of the article here, with the link at the bottom if you would like the read the entire piece.
Learning to love ourselves can be a challenging task and a long journey. Lying at the core of self-love are the abilities to know ourselves, like ourselves, and appreciate our strengths, while accepting our weaknesses. Expanding self-love into the sexual arena can offer even more avenues for personal growth. Unfortunately for many people, self-love and sexuality are mutually exclusive. Sexuality is often relegated to its own discrete box and does not receive the same knowledge, appreciation, and acceptance as the development of self-love and personal transformation in other areas of our lives.

When expanding self-love to our experiences and meaning around sexuality, it may be easier to first state the opposite of sexual self-love: guilt, shame, embarrassment, disconnection, body-loathing, and lack of knowledge. These emotions and mental states are the result of fear-based learning about sex and sexuality from various sources, such as restrictive religions, embarrassed parents, ignorant teachers, and idealized media images. If you begin with sexual topics where you feel anxiety or discomfort, you can identify where you have opportunity for immediate growth. The areas of body-image, masturbation, and freedom of expression can be a great place to start.
To read the entire article, please follow this link to Vision Magazine.

Jennifer Gunsaullus, Ph.D.

Sex Therapy & Relationship Counseling in San Diego

Making the Most of Masturbation: Stick the Movie

Why are we so uncomfortable as a society talking about masturbation? Jenn speaks to Nicholas Tana who is filming a documentary on masturbation entitled Sticky: The Movie. Spicy Suzy also drops by to give her Den Recommend on masturbation.

Nicholas Tana, Director of "Sticky"

Masturbate with your partner!