How to Have the Sex Talk - Free Video Course for Parents

Let’s Talk About Sex is a new 3-part video course for parents, that I created in collaboration with Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest.

“How do I not screw up my kid around sex?”

“How can I do better than how my parents did?”

“How can I handle difficult topics and help my teen feel comfortable talking to me?”

These are the kinds of questions I hear all the time from parents — parents who want to do good by their kids and teens, but aren’t sure about how to do so. And sometimes they just keep avoiding these important topics.

Check out this free e-course about how to cultivate ongoing “sex talks,” in age-appropriate ways, about changing bodies, uncomfortable emotions, dating, desire, sexual health, and sexuality. The 3 courses are:

  1. Preparing Yourself (aka, Owning Your Baggage!)

  2. Handling Emotional Conversations Well

  3. Tips & Tricks for Effective Conversations

Sign up for the self-paced course here: Let’s Talk About Sex, Planned Parenthood Sex Ed To-Go

-Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Intimacy Speaker, Sociologist, & Sexologist