Dr. Jenn Helps Women Cultivate Mindful Sexual Empowerment

Dr. Jenn Helps Women Cultivate Mindful Sexual Empowerment

Why does sexual empowerment matter for women? How did I get started on this career path? I was recently interviewed by DatingNews.com about my sexual empowerment work and career path, and what messages are most important for women to learn about their bodies, sexual expression, and self-worth….

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Give Yourself a Hand …Being Vulnerable for National Masturbation Month

Give Yourself a Hand …Being Vulnerable for National Masturbation Month

May is National Masturbation Month! However, back in March, I had the opportunity to deliver a talk on masturbation at San Diego State University. The event was organized by the Student for Public Health club and was open to any student interested, although we had to limit attendance to 100 students because we had 100 free vibrators to distribute to the attendees!

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Do you know what gratitude FEELS like?

Do you know what gratitude FEELS like?

Do you know what it *feels* like to experience gratitude? I mean really feel it in your body? Are you familiar with the sensations of warmth in your chest, an expansive feeling, and how it can bring a sense of openness and lightness?

If you have a minute right now, take a few deep belly breaths, close your eyes, and think of someone or something that you’re particularly proud of right now, someone you admire, a situation that brought you joy recently, or a happening you really appreciate.

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20 Happenings: A Powerful Way to Do Year-End Reflections

20 Happenings: A Powerful Way to Do Year-End Reflections

As we approach the end of the year, it's valuable to take a moment to reflect on our achievements and the things that brought us joy. Many people don't take the time to appreciate their successes or savor their joyful moments because they're too focused on their next task or goal, or because they're caught up in their worries. But regularly feeling gratitude…

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