In the BED with Dr. Jenn?! Answering your sex questions...

In the BED with Dr. Jenn?! Answering your sex questions...

What are your sex and intimacy questions? I'm answering your sex questions from the bed -- sometimes alone and sometimes with friends and colleagues -- to bring an intimate and vulnerable energy to your sexual concerns. The first question I'm answering?...

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Women Choose Not to Have Orgasms Sometimes

Sometimes women choose not to have an orgasm. Why? I share my thoughts with Click on the photo to go to and watch this short video!

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sex Therapist, Sexuality Speaker, Sexologist

How to Orgasm... Obstacles & Tips for Women

The new and savvy website recently interviewed me about my thoughts on women and orgasm. First I addressed potential obstacles to orgasm for women:

And then I shared my views on how to improve orgasms: is a really cool site with expert Jamye Waxman for learning and sharing about sex!

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sex Therapist, College Sexual Health Speaker, Inspirational Speaker

Thinking Off to Orgasm?

Is it possible to orgasm with just your mind? In this episode of "In the Den with Dr. Jenn," Barbara Carrellas's concept of thinking off to orgasm is examined.

Couples Counseling San Diego


Faking It? Why Do Women Fake Orgasms?:Session #57

Do women fake orgasms? Why would they? Dr. Jenn talks about women faking orgasms and the impact it has on relationships and female sexuality. Have you faked it? Is it problematic?  A resounding yes from the Den.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Public Speaker (and a woman who has never faked an orgasm!)